Friday, July 24, 2009

My first time doing a blog

I was going to write about my first time with cement mixing. I googled and researched what tools are needed, what is the best method, what is the difference between cement and concrete and how much it was all going to cost and came out more confused then when I started.

Ok not really, but there is so much to learn and know before you just throw some cement/concrete down. I do understand it is more complicated than that, but didn't realize how many tools were involved.

Thank goodness I have my brother and a neighbor doing all of the labor and I just need to get the tools to do it, but it is a lot more complicated then that. Also, the more I read the more I wanted to try it myself...

Well since I am totally off the subject of my first blog, the cement researching has led me to writing this blog. I noticed I try new things all the time. Even if I just do them just once! I believe everyone has the capability to do anything, pretty much, the outcome just depends on how much they do and how quickly they catch on.

I really don't read blogs, other than but decided to try. See I keep correcting myself when I use the word TRY. I don't really like that word. You either DO or you DO NOT. I know that is so from Yoda but it is true.

I am off for now and I hope I will be able to add much more to this blog.

Oh and by the way I will need the following for the cement project:

-cement mixer-hand held or the big larger one
-wheel barrel
-hoe with holes
-2 different types of trowels
-cement broom
-a new credit card

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